There has been a lot of crafting going on this week, as Ella and I decided to make some dolls. I took a great introductory dollmaking class last year at the Eugene Waldorf School, and used my notes from that class, and the book Making Waldorf Dolls by Maricristin Sealey to guide us.
Ella was able to stuff, sew, and embroider the face of her doll (the red one) by herself, and the hair style is all her doing! She also really enjoyed stuffing the body and arms. I helped out with the rest of the body and all over stitching.
Can you tell how much she loves these dolls!
What kind of crafting have you been up to this week?
*Joining the fine crafty folks at Frontier Dreams!
Ann/Grandma—So sweet! The dolls are precious….and her face is even more!! Great job, Teri, with teaching her!! Miss you all so much… Love you! XXXOOO