First, I’d like to introduce you to two new Homestead Honey Sponsors. Then I have an exciting opportunity for you, so read on!
These women are bloggers, mamas, and exquisite craftswomen. I hope you take a moment to visit their shops, and learn more about them!
Find their etsy shop here, and read about their homestead in progress on their blog.
And of course, I’d love for you to visit our new etsy shop, Acorn Hill Handcrafts. Featuring wrought iron and wood pieces for your home and family.
If Sponsorship on Homestead Honey sounds like a great match for your small business, please contact me!
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And now onto the challenge… A few weeks ago, I was shopping at a natural food store, in the bulk section. As usual, I had left the house in a rush and did not bring any bags with me to fill up with my bulk foods – rice, beans, etc. As I stood there using brand new plastic bags, I felt so foolish. If one of the main reasons I shop in the bulk section is to reduce packaging, especially plastic packaging, why have I not made my own bulk food bags?
This question plagued me, and then I thought about so many other simple acts that I could take to make my life more natural, simple, and joyous. I could quickly sew a half dozen bulk food bags, I could write out a meal plan at the beginning of the week. I could (finally) make that elderberry syrup I’ve been thinking about, and have it on hand for when my family needs it. I could keep track of my family’s expenses, so I have a better grasp on our finances…
Each of these steps is relatively simple, but yet sometimes I just get STUCK in life, and don’t take them! I decided I needed some motivation and accountability, so I reached out to the Homestead Honey Facebook community, and asked if anyone would like to join me in taking BABY STEPS toward the life we want to live, for the whole month of February. The response was great!
If you would like to join me, I would love to create a community of people supporting one another and offering ideas and encouragement. This challenge is designed to help bring ease and joy into our lives, NOT to make us feel inadequate! Each person will choose their own path, and we will offer each other strength.
I decided that my approach for the month will be to pick four broad themes – areas in which I can grow – and to take baby steps in these areas. My personal themes will be:
- Week One: Life Organization (Creating meal plans, work schedules, homeschool schedule)
- Week Two: Personal Finances (Keeping track of where my money goes, and what comes in!)
- Week Three: Health and Wellness (Stocking my herbal medicine cabinet, make time to exercise)
- Week Four: Natural Home (Sew those bulk food bags!, consider natural alternatives to my current body products
Each week I will report on my progress. Each day, I will also invite people to share on my Facebook page what Baby Step they are taking that day.
I’d love for you to join me on this adventure (and by the way, there is no cost – just a bunch of love!). So sign up for my e-newsletter below, to make sure you’re getting blog posts (and you get a free ebook!!) and then come over and “Like” the Homestead Honey Facebook page to join the conversation.
See you there!
Great idea. We started writing down what we spend and make too. We are trying to save a bit extra to landscape our land this spring. It’s a wonderful way to really see where the money is going and what we can do without. I really love the meal plan. I’m in……
Yes, especially with three work-from-businesses, and some random part-time jobs, knowing how the money goes out is important, since we never quite know when the money is coming in! We’ve cut down significantly on expenses since moving to Missouri, but still food and gas are the big ones (after building expenses, of course!)
This is great! I just made a meal plan for the week yesterday as I really want to get better at it this year. I think it will really help reduce grocery spending. I’m also just beginning to homeschool our almost 4 year old so I really want to nail the homestead homeschooling. Organizing things always makes me feel better, I just picked up a pretty weekly note book to write everything down, as I’m terrible with the online or apps etc. Thx for the inspiration!
That is exactly why I am motivated to make life more organized. When you are homesteading, there is always something that comes up and tries to push homeschooling time aside. Luckily I have kindergarten and preschool now, but I am working on discipline for a great first grade.