The fall colors this year have been so stunning; even old-timers say that it’s one of the most vividly colored Autumns in years. The contrast of the blue sky, the intense low sun, the bright yellow Hickory, the deep red Sumac and Poison Ivy, and the orange and brown Oak is just breathtaking, and I’m soaking it all in as much as I can before the leaves drop.
A few days ago, the kids were restless, so I took them on a walk to visit Mike and Julia, our neighbors to the north. It’s just a short jaunt down the hill and across a creek, but we extended our walk with a foray through the creek bed looking for mushrooms with Mike.
Ella leads the way down the hill.
Mike and Julia have been working for the past two summers on a round pole timber frame house, with trees harvested from the land. A few weeks ago, there was a massive community effort to raise the “bents,” and now they are adding on the side jowl posts in preparation for roof rafters. It is a totally impressive structure.
Up above, pure beauty and light.
Down below, the ground is littered with Osage Oranges, like this one, above, Black Walnuts, leaves, acorns, and the occasional mushroom.
One last remaining blooming wildflower, low in the creek bed.
Most wildflowers look just like this.
We live in nature, and surrounded by nature, camping on our hill, but sometimes it’s easy to overlook the beauty and wonder when we’re so busy living day to day. Summer walks were difficult because of ticks, chiggers, and heat, so we hardly entered the woods, choosing the meadow path to the pond instead. I’m so looking forward to getting back into the forest, getting to know the trees and hills of our land.
The Osage oranges you came across on your walk make for great natural spider repellents! Just put one in each corner.. no more spiders! 🙂
Yes, I here that a lot around here! Someone was even selling them at the Farmer’s Market last weekend, with a sign that said, “A Hedge Apple a day keeps the spiders away!”