The combination of hot, humid days, and warmish nights have really helped my garden take off. The photo above was taken exactly one month ago, and the photo below a week ago, and today the garden is even more lush and verdant. In fact, this week we harvested our first zucchini, cucumbers, broccoli, and basil. It is so wonderful to once again be able to cook a meal that we grew.
Ella’s garden (above), doing particularly well. I am convinced it is because she sings to her plants in such a sweet melodic voice.
The hot, humid Missouri weather has introduced me to a whole new aspect of gardening: pest management. In Oregon, if you were vigilant about picking off slugs, and had a solid deer fence, your garden would fare well. Here, I am combating cabbage moths, lace bugs, and cucumber beetles, and everybody tells me to watch out for the squash bugs and tomato hornworms. While we slept, a large mammal (probably a skunk) crept through the fence and ravaged the garden, tearing into the sides almost every bed. Oddly enough, not a single plant or fruit was eaten, which is why I suspect skunk over raccoon. I imagine the skunk was hunting for grubs, of which we have plenty. You can see the damage in the photo above.
Pests aside, the garden gives me such pleasure, and it is a joy to walk it each morning with Ella and Everett at my side. Ev scouts out new green tomatoes and hunts for the last remaining ripe strawberries, while Ella hand-pollinates zucchini and creates flower bouquets.
What is growing in your garden?
I just stumbled upon your blog… I love the design of your garden! I’m excited for your family and your homesteading journey, and am looking forward to reading more!
Thanks Sam! I read some of the posts on your blog is well and h your gard.n sounds amazing I also loved reading about the food swaps that you attended
Lovely, Teri. Wow, already eating from your garden!
This year I’m growing tomatoes, walla walla & purple onions, peppers, OR pea pods, bush beans, corn, cauliflower, 3 different kinds of zucchini, spaghetti & butternut squash and attempting melons. And bee friendly and edible flowers…so far just Nasturtiums. In my greenhouse, lettuce and cilantro. My goal for the greenhouse this year is to have something growing in it year round.
I’m a sporadic gardener, and I’m not very good at it but it’s very fun.
That sounds amazing Teresa! We had a huge greenhouse in CG, and did grow things year round. It is truly the Oregon gardener’s best friend!
What a wonderful garden you are growing. Happy eating!
Thanks, Teri. Your blog is a gardener’s inspiration.
Thank you Teresa!
GREAT photos and words again, Teri! What a beautiful gardens(s)!! Too bad about pests, though—hopefully, they’ll continue to go for only grubs. LOVE! PROUD! Ann
With a little bit of fence alteration, we seem to have held off the skunks…for now!