I'm so excited to share our little homestead with you. First off, I should give a little background. We moved here in December of 1999, and never really thought we'd stay! But the 30 acres of secluded forested land, a sweet cabin, and gorgeous creek captured our hearts, and 12 years later, we've ...
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A Tour of the Homestead, Part I
Sunday night seed shopping
(Last year's sunflower forest)
January can be a really tough month here in Oregon. It's dark, cold, and rains nearly every day. Thank goodness for a cozy home, a woodstove, my knitting, and seed catalogs. Tonight I pored over my (huge) box of seeds (I keep them in my dark, cool pantry, in an ...
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First Steps
And he's off! For the past few weeks, Everett's been standing up and taking one or two tentative first steps. But this morning, something within him clicked, and he walked gleefully across the room from person to person, with a proud smile on his face that said, "I did it!" And so begins the next ...
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