Snapshots and snippets of the beautiful, crazy world right out our front door.
If you’d like to share some of your own photos or a blog post, please leave a link in the comments!
Despite the persistent cold, my internal clock tells me that it’s gardening season. First up on our list of gardening to-do’s was expanding the fenceline to be able to double the growing space (yeah!!). Here Brian uses a few tools that he welded to remove fence posts, and then pound them into their new location.
The expanded garden, and the start of my new sheet mulched beds. I am reshaping a few, and creating many new ones. I am so happy to report that the beds I created last year from straw and manure are lush and full of organic matter, ready to be planted!
A few things are growing! Above, a cold frame that houses my brassica starts, and below, peppermint!
A few scarecrows made their way into the garden!
Brian took a few days to work on our front porch.
It is amazing how much this small change adds to our enjoyment of the house. Look at Everett’s excitement!
What is happening out your front door?
The tools your husband made and melded are awesome! They must be extremely helpful pulling, removing, or putting in new fencing parameters. Very smart!
Thanks! He is a blacksmith by trade, so doing a bit of welding and tool making is not a huge stretch for him. It’s pretty amazing that he can create these tools for our homestead.
I love your little house too! We had it all backwards when we built our house 11 years ago! We were not in the mind set of sustainability beyond wanting some land to grow a garden. Now That we have put so much time and effort into our 10 acres to be as self sufficient as possible, we are stuck with this big huge, oversized not very efficient house! I wish we could pick up the house and sell it so we could build a little house like yours!! Loved the spring pictures too!
Thanks Kathy. I think we will eventually add on to this house, or build something a bit larger (we really want to do a straw bale timber frame house), but it is good to remember not to get too big!
I really love your tiny house! We would like to build one but build it with cord wood.
That sounds lovely! I really like the idea of cordwood. It’s definitely a resource we could acquire here.