Snow geese have been passing overhead each day, huge flocks heading west. Today, I saw my first robin on a tree branch outside the kitchen window. Friends are tapping black walnut trees for their sap. Spring draws closer yet!
I, for one, have been preparing my seed orders and dreaming and scheming about this year’s garden space (which technically doesn’t yet exist, but hey, a girl’s got to dream!) The spring garden will be planted here at the house where we’ve been staying, and I’ll work on prepping some sheet mulched beds on the land for our summer crops.
While I already have a more than ample supply of seeds – which, by the way, I keep in an under-the-bed style Rubbermaid container. They are the perfect shape and size and mouse-proof too! – I cannot resist adding new varieties each year. This year, I ecstatically flipped to the melon pages and ordered several varieties of melons. Hurray for a hot summer climate! My old standby seed company is High Mowing Seeds, which produces super high quality organic seeds. This year I also placed a large order with a Missouri company, Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. I love their commitment to open-pollinated and non-GMO seeds.
Here’s my seed order, for your enjoyment (and my record-keeping!)
High Mowing Seeds
Kaitlin Cabbage
Goodman Cauliflower
Guardsman Chioggia Beet
Rose de Berne Tomato
Pruden’s Purple Tomato
California Wonder Pepper
Champion Collards
NuMex Joe E. Parker Pepper (Anaheim)
High Mowing Mesclun Mix
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
Parisienne Carrot
Detroit Dark Red Beet
Golden Beet
Oeschenberg Amaranth
Jimmy Nardello Italian Pepper
Illinois Beauty Tomato
Boule d’Or Melon
Piel de Sapo Melon
Charentais Melon
Golden Midget Watermelon
Red Kuri Squash
Long Island Cheese Squash
Chiriman Squash
Giant Red Re-Selection Celery
Perfection Drumhead Savoy Cabbage
Blue Curled Scotch Kale
Brocade Mix Marigold
Persian Carpet Zinnia
Bright Lights Cosmos
Unwin’s Mix Dahlia
Tina James’s Magic Primrose
I’d love to hear, in the comments below,
what are you planning for your garden this year?
*this blog post shared on The Prairie Homestead’s Barn Hop
Love your list. Have you planted the blue curled scotch kale before? I want to plant some kale this year.
Yes, in the Pacific Northwest, where it grows almost year round! I love the curled scotch kale – probably my favorite texture of all the kales. Give it a try!
I am DROOLING over your seed variety! You’re going to have some beautiful crops. Since I live in an apartment with only a tiny patio space, I’ve grown herbs for the past few years, usually several kinds of basil, lavender, oregano, thyme, chives, and mint. This year I’ll focus on basil, which is always a huge hit in my cooking, and plant flowers, which I’ve never done before : ) My mom is an amazing gardener; she always had huge gardens, until this year, because they recently moved to Missouri to be near us and are living in a rental. I look forward to the day when both she and I will have true gardens again! In the meantime, I’ll live vicariously through your garden ; )
All of those herbs sound fabulous! You can also plant some veggies in containers – tomatoes, eggplant, peppers. If you’re interested!
I am have been dreaming and drolling over my garden plans this year too. Spring is coming.
Can’t wait to hear what you’re growing!
Ann here—what an exciting HH! The birds….the seeds…Your enthusiasm! So happy! Love you! Ann
Thanks Ann! You would love this goose migration!